In November of 2009 Paul and I purchased a house that had a huge front lawn. Of course we both knew exactly what would happen to that front lawn! :o) Within a week of moving in I started laying down cardboard (good use for moving boxes!) and covering it with leaves from our neighbour's forest.
Over the Winter I kept adding any composted material, soil, peat moss etc that came my way. I also had a load of free wood chips delivered from a local tree guy and started to define the pathways. In the Spring I had some manure and soil delivered, which was put on top of the material that had been 'brewing' over the Winter. There are many worms in this mix already - a good sign!
Then it was time to start think about fencing - we have deer here that treat our garden like it is their bedroom, living room and dining room!!!
We picked up cedar posts from a local mill - we can't use treated wood because I grow organically.
After getting the basic structure in place we added deer netting that is 7' high - amazing stuff, you can't even see it in this picture! We decided we didn't want a 7' high fence that looked like a fortress, or that said 'keep out'. So along with purchasing some regular cedar fence boards we picked up driftwood from the beach and some free cedar cut offs from a local small mill operator.
It is amazing to me that you can go from this:
To this: We are very happy with the look, and you still can't see the deer netting!
In 2007 I decided it was time to pursue my long time dream of growing quality organic vegetables for sale. Starting with nothing, and wondering how I was possibly going to make this work, my dream slowly began to evolve!