Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Me, setting up our farmstand and extremely happy with the broccoli this year!

Paul working super hard dismantling a donated quonset that will be used as a greenhouse, he is in his element recycling and building.

This is Drew. He is 10 years old and wants to be a farmer when he grows up. Every week he comes out to the farm and volunteers with his mom, Kathy. He is an awesome worker. I love this pic! One day I arrived at our farmstand to see somebody leaving on his bike with our garlic sticking out of his backpack. His name is Dave. He and his wife are regular visitors to the stand.

Animals in our garden

As well as many vegetables and flowers we have an interesting assortment of animals in our garden, some resident, and some not:

deer, pesty nuisances, but pretty regardless

the occasional bear comes by to check things out

some of our fabulous laying chickens

Lucy, our cat, guarding the next round of seedlings

you may have to click on this picture to enlarge it to see some very welcome guests to our garden, honey bees