Sunday, February 5, 2012

It's that time again...

...planning time!

It is only the beginning of February and yet I'm feeling somewhat overwhelmed with everything I need to do right now. I have spreadsheets galore that need to be completed this month, for both Sunshine Seedlings and Backyard Bounty. Sometimes I'm tempted to just ditch the spreadsheets and wing it, so to speak. But I've learned from experience that taking the time to carefully plan out the year pays dividends when you are in the midst of planting time. It is amazing how you can just entirely forget to plant something, or you miss the small window of opportunity open when you should start something, or worse you start a bunch of lovely seedlings and then discover you have no space to put them anywhere!

I've had lots of laid back relaxation time this Winter, lots of time to knit, read, sleep. Physically I'm rested, so it's time to get back to the trenches and I'm feeling ready for it! :o)

Each year at this time I love seeding inside when it's cold outside. I've started some cold hardy greens, onions and leeks. They have germinated nicely!

We are still eating salad from the overwintered greens from the greenhouse!!