Yesterday I had a group of delightful, bright, helpful girls come for a tour of my garden so that they could have a little taste of what urban farming is all about. They were from the Sea to Sky school and had been learning about the '7 N's of food': food that is from Near, is Natural (no pesticides, Naked (no packaging), Now (in season), Not so much meat, Nutritious, and Never wasted. They got to taste a vegetable straight from the garden that none of them had previously eaten, tsoi sim. They loved it! Then they all did some seeding in the greenhouse and helped move some bark mulch to cover the last little strip of lawn remaining. Thank you girls for your help! :o)
If you read my previous post you will see pictures of my garden in process. Well here is the result, still in process but looking like a vegetable garden now:
Other news, my other business Sunshine Seedlings is going gangbusters. We have thousands and thousands of beautiful seedlings - here is a nice pic of some of our tomatoes. I feel like a proud mom!! I've had another regular visitor to my garden this Spring. A robin with very unusual colouring on its head. Sorry for the quality of the photo, this was taken from quite a distance away and it wouldn't stand still. :o)
Your garden is laid out so beautifully! I wonder if there is something wrong with that poor robin? I've never seen white marks on the head before. Certainly interesting! Hope you get lots of customers for your good-looking seedlings ~smile~.
In 2007 I decided it was time to pursue my long time dream of growing quality organic vegetables for sale. Starting with nothing, and wondering how I was possibly going to make this work, my dream slowly began to evolve!
Your garden is laid out so beautifully! I wonder if there is something wrong with that poor robin? I've never seen white marks on the head before. Certainly interesting! Hope you get lots of customers for your good-looking seedlings ~smile~.