Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A New Season

So. A new season, and we begin again. New hopes. New ideas. New goals. We’ve enjoyed our winter respite, including a getaway to Hawaii, but feel again that sense of enthusiasm rising in us like the first pioneer plants now rising in our soil, harbingers of the 2013 that will see this land flourish anew.

We’ve set to it: Dawn planted her first seed flats two days ago. Onions get the first nod. They are presently sitting happy in a 21 C. propagation room. Paul began cleaning and repairing tools, and fretting about the weathered signage that needs to be redone. Yesterday, beneath crystal blue skies, we spent a few hours at the Holland property, uprooting the vestiges of broccoli and cabbage plants, weeding, preparing the first beds. Dawn was buoyant, a kid at a carnival. Paul was contemplative, a rewarding quiet. Both were thankful. It is true: Farming is not easy, and it does not pay well. But our hands touch the earth, and our hearts, well, they are lifted up.

We have strong hopes. The bounty of this amazing Earth will spill into all our lives…and our stomachs too! 


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